Representing the High Temperature Insulation Wool Industry
3, rue du Colonel Moll
75017 Paris
Phone: + 33 6 31 48 74 26
Registered as an association according to the French Law 1901 at Prefecture de Paris under the N° W75111893
VAT N° FR 53 83371 2524
ECFIA is on the EU Transparency Register – ID ° 437067914645-34
Realisation of the website
Publication director:
Klaus Kamps acting in his capacity as chairman of ECFIA
Creation and design:
H+S Kommunikation GmbH
Höfgen 1a
42781 Haan/Germany
Phone: + 492129/94050
Registered at the commercial registry Wuppertal HRB: 22461
Website Content
The present website is the property of ECFIA Representing the High Temperature Insulation Industry and its content is protected by Intellectual Property Rights.
All photos have been purchased from iStock.
If you would like to reproduce any content (on electronic or paper support) or if you would like to set up a hyperlink to the ECFIA website please address your request either by letter, email or via the contact form to ECFIA.
The information published by the ECFIA on this site is made available without warranty of any kind. The materials contained in this website are provided for general information purposes and do not constitute legal or professional advice. Neither ECFIA nor any of its members accepts any responsibility for loss which may arise from reliance on information contained in this website.
Neither ECFIA nor any of its members accepts any responsibility for loss which may arise from reliance on any links by hypertexts set up on the present website and referring to our resources present on the internet.